and reposted from here ,
With the cancellation of the Phoenix Project, the people involved were on the horns of a dilemma.
They had spent the better part of almost 20 years developing mind control and stealth technologies that Congress didn't want anyone to use. Undeterred, the scientists went to the one organization they knew would want to engage in further research and development of the devices the Phoenix Project had produced: the military.
Naturally, the military was very excited about the idea of a weapons system that would allow them to defeat an enemy without ever firing a shot. They agreed to continue the project, setting up the Phoenix people in a secluded area where proper experimentation could be conducted.
The military also agreed to provide the equipment and personnel the project required in order to operate.
Sage Radar system
One of the primary items on the equipment list given to the military was a Sage Radar system.
It had been discovered that radio signals in the 425 to 450 Megahertz range were required to get 'inside' the human consciousness to allow for mind control attempts. The Sage Radar systems ran at these frequencies, and could be converted into a huge radiosonde easily.
Better yet, the Sage Radar system was currently obsolete, thus the scientists would be able to use one with no detriment to national security.
Montauk Air Force Base, located within the confines of Fort Hero on Montauk Point, Long Island, New York, was perfect for the needs of the Phoenix Project scientists. It was fairly isolated, currently mothballed and was equipped with a Sage Radar system that could be converted to a radiosonde with ease.
Setting themselves up at the newly reopened Montauk AFB, the scientists named their new project "Phoenix II". Later, the undertaking became known as "the Montauk Project". Financing for the Phoenix II came not from the military, who only supplied men and materials, but from outside sources. This was because the Project itself had been ordered to disband by Congress and was now operating independently.
Montauk AFB, had been closed since 1969, and was no longer receiving any federal funding. So, the question of "where did the Project funding come from?"arises.
The actual circumstances surrounding the financing of the Phoenix II project are shrouded in a veil of mystery. Project funding seemed to come from private sources, although some evidence points to an alleged Nazi involvement. This involvement came in the form of 10 billion dollars in gold, smuggled out of Europe at the end of World War II.
Apparently, a train carrying the gold was blown up while passing though a tunnel in Allied-occupied France, killing 51 American soldiers. Even General George Patton, furious that such an act of sabotage could have occurred, was unable to determine how the train had been hit, or who had made off with the gold. Other evidence states that after the money from the gold was used up, the Krupp family financially backed the project (The Krupps owned and operated numerous munitions factories during World War I and World War II.
One of their most famous weapons is the 'Paris Gun' which shelled Paris from more than 70 miles away in the First World War.)
Montauk Air Force Base was reopened in late 1971 (although it was still listed as a decommissioned base by the military), allowing Phoenix II to get underway. Along with many of the original Phoenix Project scientists, there were members of the military, government workers and civilian personnel brought in from various corporations.
A number of the military servicemen present were Air Force radar technicians who had worked with the Sage Radar system all through the 60's.
They reported that the general mood of the base had changed according to the frequency and pulse duration of the radar system. This seemingly trivial piece of information was considered very important to the Phoenix people, who quickly determined that by changing the rate and width of the radar pulse, they could superficially alter the way people thought and felt.
This discovery prompted a number of experiments to determine what frequencies prompted what responses. A number of people were used in these experiments, although the prime test subject was a man by the name of Duncan Cameron (more about him later). These test subjects were placed inside of a small room on the base and the Sage Radar system was focused on that room, bathing it with massive amounts of micro and radio waves.
By altering the frequency and pulse of the radar set, they could make a person laugh, cry, angry or sleepy. As a side effect, it was found the the general mood of the whole base would change to follow the signal output of the Sage Radar.
Now that it had been proved the Sage Radar could effect emotional states, the next step was to try and control a person's thoughts. Tests were conducted in the which the pulse rate and amplitude of the Radar system were changed to match various biological functions of the body. Doing so allowed the scientists to actually control what a person thought and did.
It should be pointed out that bathing a person in massive amounts of microwave radiation and intense radio waves is not healthy. Many test subjects were literally baked by radio waves causing serious internal damage to the lungs and brain. With further tests it was determined that this damage was caused by "burning radiation". "Non-burning radiation" was emitted from the opposite side of the Sage Radar reflector. So, the scientists decided to reverse the radar antenna around 180 degrees, broadcasting burning radiation up into the sky and using the non-burning radiation to conduct their tests. Much to their delight, it was discovered that non-burning radiation could alter moods and thoughts as well, and didn't damage the subject of the tests!
In 1973, the experimental process had reached a new step. The scientists wanted to experiment with large groups of people, changing their thoughts and moods en masse and monitoring the results.
Units of the U.S. Army were invited to the base for R&R, becoming the unwitting targets of mood-altering experiments. Similar experiments were also conducted on people living nearby on Long Island, as well as New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. The aim of these tests was very simple; to build a database of pulse settings and the effects they caused With time, the scientists were able to construct a control panel that allowed them to broadcast preset signals, thus allowing for consistent mind control effects.
Tests allowed the scientists to create a wide variety of effects, depending on the settings fed into the transmitter. Programs were written that would allow the researchers to do more than simply create mood swings. They found that they could increase the crime rate, incite violence and cause mass panic among animals. They even developed programs that would disable vehicles by burning out all of its electrical functions.
At this point, the Montauk people had developed a reliable method for controlling the thoughts of others. Now, they wanted to make a device that would allow for precise manipulation of a target.
The scope of the Montauk Project was about to expand beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
According to the writer of the The Montauk Project , the ITT World-Wide Communications corporation (which is owned by the Krupp family - see 'Setting Up Phoenix II' above) constructed a mind-reading device. The device translated the electromagnetic field, or "aura", around the body into a visible format. The primary component of this device was a Cray 1 super-computer that turned the data into something a person could understand.
The technology used to create this is device is a mystery. According to the book, some of the basic technical information was provided by aliens. These aliens were the Sirians, from the star system of Sirius. Exactly why these aliens provided the technology is not explained.
Over at the Montauk Project, the research people realized that this mind-reading device could could easily be converted into a mind control device. They hooked the device up to a series of computers, electrical coils and the Sage Radar system, creating a powerful transmitter that could be used lessen the risks to humans undergoing invisibility and time travel experiments. This new device was called the "Montauk Chair" and came online about 1974. Linked to a Cray 1 and an IBM 360 computer, the researchers would sit a psychically active person (such as Duncan Cameron) in the Montauk Chair and have them try and transmit their thoughts to a similar set up back at the ITT corporation (located in Southampton, Long Island).